After our last tournament at the end of August, we get a two month break. It's fantastic, and this is coming from a girl who LOVES softball. I get to catch up on sleep that I lost due to tournament time, each some chips without working out afterwards, annnndd, I can lay on the couch, or hangout with friends on my weekends, instead of waking up before the sun, and driving two hours to a game.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love softball. But, every decision I make, and every action I undergo, somehow relates back to the thought of softball. For example: I will be jumping on a trampoline, having an amazing time. I will begin to jump higher, and then to show off a little by doing some flips. Then, I will think about the consequences.
"What if I do a face plant off the trampoline, and break my nose?"
"What if I land wrong, and I break something?"
After all of these thoughts are running through my mind, I quickly get off the trampoline, and stand off to the side. Yes, I know trampolines are dangerous, but 1) It's just an example. And 2) If it was THAT dangerous, would they really have them? Honestly...
Anyway, today I had softball practice. We rented a really nice facility, which includes a small gym, two batting cages, and some room for fielding and throwing. I was really excited to start getting back into practicing. I got to clean out my bag, which was absolutely disgusting. I had several empty water bottles, A TON of dirt, and things I didn't even know I still had, like my old batting gloves, and my sliding pads. It was like an adventure going through that bag. When I got to practice, we all started to stretch. Then the timer came out, which only means one thing, Six Minute Abs. Six Minute Abs are probably the worst stretching I have done. It's twelve different stretches, in six minutes. The worst part is, the whole time you are doing crunches. Then, along with doing the crunches, you do crazy things with your legs. Annndd, I am not a very good multitask-er, so that doesn't help me one bit. It's really crazy.
When we started to do some hitting, I felt like a baby picking up a bat for the first time. If we got more time off, I probably would have asked what I was holding. I swung a few times, anticipating to get back into the swing again, but it wasn't working. I started hitting the softballs into the net, and I believe I was doing just fine. I just needed a few tweaks from my coach, and then I was perfectly fine.
After hitting we started doing some fielding. I put on my face mask, and prepared myself for the worst. Since today, I haven't thrown or fielded in months. It was a disaster. I WAS A DISASTER! I was throwing the ball every which way, and doing absurd things with my feet. I had to get serious help just to do a simple task of throwing a ball. I felt like my back didn't say "Mohler", more like "Wendy's".
After all of this insanity, I finally got it. I was throwing correctly, batting great, and fielding good. Getting back into the swing of things is not a easy as you might hope it would be. You might mess up a few times here and there, and believe me, I have been both "here and there", but after practice and tons of Six Minute Abs, you are in GREAT shape.
After all, Practice Makes Perfect.
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