"Be who you are, and say what you feel, because those who mind, don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Identical Twins.

For as long as I can remember, my sister Ashley and I have always looked the same. Everywhere we went, we got told the same thing. Over, and over, and over again. "You two look SO much alike!" OR, my personal favorite "You two MUST be JoAnn Mohler's children!" Yes, yes we are.

My mom is known by at least one person everywhere we go, it's insane. I am pretty sure that they made the saying "It's a small world", with her in mind. We could be anywhere, and she would know somebody. And, if she is not with us, they must think we are "spitting images" of her.

Ashley and I look a lot alike. Yes. But, (and there is always a "But") we are nothing like each other. We are totally opposites. For example; I like broccoli, and she doesn't. Personally, I think it is probably the coolest vegetable because, 1. It is shaped like a tree! How cool is that? 2. They have an amazing flavor! and 3. It is a good side dish with almost ANYTHING! Ashley hates broccoli. Well, in my opinion, she hates all good food.

But, sometimes we could be mistaken as the same person. We wear the same clothes, our hair is the same color, (except her hair is curlier, and I am jealous), and we are almost the same height. And, I have to add that I am about four inches taller than her! That is probably the only thing that makes me feel older than her now a days.

Besides her hair, I am jealous of many more things. When I was eleven, I didn't have as many friends as she had. I spent my Saturday nights in the house, playing Connect Four with my dad, instead she is out on the town hanging out with her friends. She has a social life. I didn't, and I still don't. She has friends that are boys, GASPPPP! And, she is always out going no matter what kind of situation she is in. It takes me a while to warm up.

Today she came and told me about her day at school. Ever since she started middle school, I ask her how her day is every day. I love hearing about her input on the middle school. Sometimes, she comes home and tells me days were harder than others, or that "Annie" broke up with "John" because he used another girl's pencil sharpener. I have heard it all, believe me. But, it is still all so fascinating to me.

Sometimes, she will come home and tell me about her new friends, or her teachers, and how nice, or unfair they are. But, today I got another story. She started off like this...

"Today was good, I learned about the human eye! Did you know that every single baby is born with blue eyes?!?!? Isn't that just, CRAZY?!?! Well, I am doing a project in math, and science. They are both kind of fun, but it's just a lot of work. Ya know?"

I was a little preoccupied at the time, so I answered with "Yeah, really? Wow, that's cool. Auhh huhh, yep, sounds interesting."

After my response, she started to walk away. After she hit the end of the living room, she came shooting back into the room screaming "Guess who stopped me in the hallway?!?" At that point, I stopped what I was doing, dropped my binder filled with studding material, and screamed "WHOOOOOOO!!!???!?!?"

She carried on...

"Well, Mr. Masico" (who was my 6th grade teacher) "Came up to me, and my friends as we were walking to lunch. He pulled me aside, and at first I thought I was getting in trouble for something, but then I heard "the question". He asked me if I had a sister named Amanda, and he told me we looked like identical twins. When he said bye to me, he screamed 'Bye Mini Mohler', just like every other teacher I have ever had."

Mini Mohler. That's referring to ME, she is the "mini" me! She might not like it, but I do.

I'm jealous that she has that nickname. But, I practically set that name up for her. I know she secretly likes it, and even though she won't admit it, that's okay. That's something we both have in common, we never like to admit things to each other. And, honestly, that's what makes us sisters.

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