After a short time period filled with busyness, you need a break. Everyone does, it's only human. Last week was one of the hardest weeks. First of all, it was back to school after a break. That is NEVER fun. You have an ammmaazziinnngg break off with your family, you get to hang out with cousins, (which, was SUPEEERR exciting because I have a new baby cousin!!) and, you get to eat a TON of food. That sounds like a good break for me. Then, all that fun comes to an end. The break feels like it lasted fifteen minutes, and by the time it's eight o'clock on Sunday night, and your mom says, "Get your backpack ready for tomorrow!", you ask yourself where the heck your break went. This is speaking from experience.
Second of all, (this ALWAYS HAPPENS!!), teachers don't have enough time to teach you all the material you need for the test before going on break, so they give you a packet full of the remaining information, and make you do it over break. Then, you have a test on that Monday after all the greatness of your break.
It's such a bad idea to have Monday's the "come back" day. They should make it Tuesday's, or maybe Thursday's. That would be nice. The kids wouldn't be so tired, or they wouldn't look so bad, including myself. BUT, since we are sort of on this topic, I want to know how teenagers can sleep for SOOOOO long. It's crazy, personally, sleeping in for me is till eight thirty. I couldn't even imagine sleeping till noon. Your day is almost half gone by then!
Now that, that is off my chest, I can get back to the real matter. Coming back from break. I know I am not speaking for myself on this topic. The Monday you come back on then leads the longest week of your life. Each day goes by slower and slower, and when you think your on Thursday, your really only on Tuesday. Then you get all bummed out because you thought Grey's Anatomy was on, and then on top of that disappointment, you realize you have two projects due tomorrow. Let's just say it was a long, and ruff week all together.
So, this weekend was spent full of my boredom. It was great, I had time to do so much. I watched more Netflix, which, by the way, is the BEST invention on this planet. I got quality time to play with my dog, I played some Wii games, that I never have time to play, and I got to build a fort.
Let me start off by publicly humiliating myself, I was alone. My little sister wasn't home. Is that okay? Probably not, but I was bored out of my mind, and I needed to do something. So, I eagerly grabbed some pillows, and blankets and began to build a fort. Might I just say. It was great! It was fully equipped with all the best snacks, drinks, and pillows. It had an amazingly sturdy roof. And, it had a beautiful view of our hallway. What more could you ask for? That's right, nothing!
Soon enough I got a visitor! It was my dog, Bailey. He made my day! We did SO many fun things, my fort was probably called on by the cops a few times for Disturbing The Peace. What can I say, we parted pretty hard. I was thinking about making a Facebook invite, but my fort's maximum capacity was for two people. I'm terribly sorry for anyone who I disappointed.
Having this weekend as a "boring" weekend was one of the best decisions I have made in a while. I have said it a few times, but I will say it again, It was great! But, every good weekend soon gets shut down by Monday. So, here's to a short week filled with less project, less tests, and and more fun!
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