Monday's. Everyone goes through them. Sometimes, but usually they are not the best day of your week. Your back to school, or in other's cases work. Let's be honest here, no one enjoys Mondays. So, as you can imagine, I was thrilled to be coming home to a stocked DVR full of my shows, barely any homework, and a comfortable couch.
By 4:00 the DVR was empty, and my homework was done. My little sister and her friend Connor, who is considered "family" at our house, were begging me to play Hed Banz. This was an offer I could not refuse! I absolutely LOVE Hed Banz, I am convinced it is The best game on this earth. Hed Banz is a game where you don't need to be athletic to play, or smart, you just need your brain. You get this really "stylish" black, strap back, headband, and a card with a random person, place or thing, printed on it. The other players get to pick out the card, and then place it on your head. You, then use Yes and No questions to figure out what you are. Every time you guess your card correctly, you get a new card, along with a chip. The chips are really important in this game, so, if you are the type of family who loses game pieces, this might not be for you. But, anyways. The chips can be turned in, in exchange for a hint from the other players. If you decide not to use hints, you save up your chips, and first one to five wins. Just like any other game, there is a catch. The Timer. Sometimes being pressured by a timer shows the competitive side of people, including me. Occasionally, the timer will force me to stand on top of tables, screaming random questions at the other players.
We were playing a pretty heated game for about twenty-five minutes until, my little sister got upset. She couldn't figure out what she was. Her card said "Walt Disney". We always try to be fair, and help her out because we know that if she is not doing well, then the game will soon come to an end. We practically set her up to win, but she still wasn't getting it. She kept asking bazaar questions that didn't even pertain to the information given to her. "Is it a Strip Club?" "Can this person be eaten by me?" "Does he like the color purple?" and my personal favorite..."If this person was a squirrel, and he was sitting on my lap, would he be nice enough to share his nut's with me, or who he bite me, and take my nut's?" Obviously, I didn't have an answer. I was grateful that the timer was up.
As Ashley was telling us how unfair the game was, she was interrupted by a giant flash of light, and a BOOOOOM!!!!! That interpretation doesn't even cover how loud, and scary it was. My immediate reaction was to jump half way across the room, into my sisters arms. We all looked at each other as if there was a dead body lying in front of us. Ashley swore she heard a noise from the garage, so the three of us got up and started walking ever so slowly to the door. We went down the hallway about .2 miles per hour. Our shaking hands were interlocked, as the sound of thunder went through our ears. Connor, being the man, was pushed to the front to open the door to the garage. As the lightening and thunder sounded louder and louder, we pushed Connor through the door. There were several antique bottles on the ground that my dad collects. I was so pleased to see them all in one piece, but that didn't make everything better.
We walked back into the house cautiously looking every which way. I ran into the kitchen to pull out some candles, and flashlights, just in case. I, as the oldest, tried to settle Connor and Ashley down, but, I couldn't. The thunder was over powering my voice, and the lightening was shining brighter than the lighten candles. I sat down with my head in my knees. About, thirty seconds later there was a knock on the door. We all jumped as if it was a massive thunder clap striking again. I walked silently to the front door, and jumped, being the shorty that I am, to see over and out of the window. There was a very shady man standing on my front porch. He kept knocking over and over again. I quickly "shushed" Connor and Ashley so he didn't hear us. I didn't want him to know we were home, because we were by our self's. After four minutes, he left.
We went back to the family room to continue talking, but there wasn't much of it. We were all in shock, but mostly scared out of our minds. I didn't know what to do. I turned on my IPod music, and started singing. Soon enough Ashley and Connor joined in, we were all harmonizing pretty well, until there was another knock on the door. The music stopped, and I ran back over to the door. I jumped up to see TWO men this time. They were just standing there. The men knocked for about three minutes, and then finally left. Didn't they get that we weren't home the first time? I got on my hands and knees and crawled to the front window to join Ashley and Connor. The men were walking on the grass waving at our house. Could they see us? It was impossible for them to see us. We were on the ground, with our faces hidden behind window shades. There was absolutely NO way they could see us. We were all questioning why they would keep showing up. Maybe they were trying to recruit us to their crazy religion, or maybe they were trying to sell something in the pouring rain. Then the one reason came up that I was dreading to hear. Connor said "What if they wanted to break in and steal us, and all your things?!?!" We all knew that was not true, but the possibility still lingered in my mind.
Monday's ususally are not this crazy at my house, but this one defintitely set's the bar higher for the upcoming ones.
did you ever find out who was at your door?